Springfield Public Schools

"Learning for All"



    Springfield Community Theatre and Springfield Public School’s Community Education program are in the process of planning for a November 2025 musical production. An important part of this phase of planning is to hear from potential actors, singers, dancers, and orchestra musicians who would like to be involved in the production so that a final choice can be made in the spring with auditions scheduled during the summer.


    After much research, thought, and discussion, the SCT board has narrowed down the choices which include Elf: The Musical (pending availability of rights), Hello, Dolly!, Disney’s Hunchback of Notre Dame, and James and the Giant Peach. The provided link to the survey includes brief video trailers of each of the shows, cast and song information, plus a few notes so that informed decisions can be made by those filling out the survey.


    The survey is live on the Facebook page: Springfield Community Theatre (SCT).  It can also be accessed by using this address: https://forms.gle/mst9URkUceu1uVGg6

    SCT/SPS musicals are open to anyone from Springfield and the surrounding area, and generally those in grades 7 through senior citizen. For questions or more information, feel free to contact Cheryl Neidt (neidt@newulmtel.net). SCT wants to hear from everyone who would like to be involved by Friday, February 28.

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  • Tiger Activities/Athletics

    Those students who will be participating on an athletic team or in an activity need to sign the MSHSL Eligibility Brochure. This should be done online and this process can begin now. The link to registering and signing eligibility forms is below.


    Those participating on an athletic team must have had a sports physical in the last three years. Incoming 7th and 10th graders will likely need a sports physical before they begin practice this year.

    24-25 Sports Physical Form

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  • Music Education

    Springfield Public School has been honored with the Best Communities for Music Education designation from The NAMM Foundation for its outstanding commitment to music education. 


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  • Touch Board Display: 

    The New Touch Board Display in the lobby area of the new gym can be accessed through the below link.  Checkout yearbooks back as far as 1945 along with academic honors, athletic records, and activity recognition!


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  • The LIvestream Link for all Tiger Livestream at Riverside Park and in the Tiger Center is ....

    Tiger Livestream


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  • Springfield Elementary School was recently named as a 2022 National Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education.

    Click here for a Facebook video of the school recognition.

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