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Springfield Elementary Recognized as 2015 Minnesota Reward School


Springfield Elementary
Principal Jeff Kuehn
12 S Burns  
Springfield, MN 56087-1299 

Dear Principal,

I would like to offer my sincere congratulations for Springfield Elementary School’s third designation as a Reward School. Your school is among the highest performing schools in the state, and this recognition reflects the incredible sustained success of your students in the areas of proficiency, growth and achievement gap reduction.

Minnesota’s Multiple Measurements Rating (MMR) allows us to look more broadly at the performance of a school. The system emphasizes the importance of both achievement and student progress from year-to-year, and it allows us to recognize and share the incredible accomplishments in schools just like yours. Your school’s sustained success over the past three years is commendable.

I believe that if we work together, every Minnesota school can be excellent. It is my hope that Reward schools will share effective practices with other schools across the state. By learning from one another, we can replicate what works and close achievement gaps among students.   

I appreciate the hard work you do every day to ensure the students you serve are successful. It takes focus and dedication to put systems and strategies in place that yield the kind of results your school has shown year after year. You, your staff and your students are to be commended.

An electronic version of the 2015 MDE Reward School logo will be forwarded to you via email. Please feel free to again use this logo to celebrate your success with your staff, students, parents and community.

Congratulations again on your remarkable accomplishment, and thank you for the work you do on a daily basis to ensure every child is successful in school and life.


Dr. Brenda Cassellius

CC:  Superintendent Keith Kottke